a picture of Miles Berdache
a picture of Miles Berdache a magnificent queer identified individual whose journey has been marked by resilience, creativity, and a relentless commitment to empowering the LGBTQ+ community. Born into a world where acceptance often felt distant, Miles faced childhood trauma and adversity, navigating a path fraught with challenges. However, these early struggles only fueled their determination to rise above societal expectations and embrace their authentic self.

Despite the obstacles encountered along the way, Miles discovered a profound passion for makeup artistry, turning their innate talent into a remarkable skill set. As an accomplished makeup artist, Miles's work transcends mere cosmetics, serving as a medium for self-expression and empowerment. Through their artistry, they have found a platform to challenge norms, celebrate individuality, and inspire others to embrace their true identity without fear or hesitation.

Beyond their career as a makeup artist, Miles has emerged as a prominent influencer within the LGBTQ+ community,


leveraging their platform to amplify marginalized voices and advocate for inclusivity and equality. With a unique blend of charisma, authenticity, and unwavering dedication, Miles uses their voice to spark meaningful conversations, foster understanding, and cultivate a culture of acceptance and love.

Driven by a deep-seated desire to make a difference, Miles’ journey serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for countless individuals, reminding us all of the beauty that lies in embracing our true selves and standing proudly in our truth.

My mission is to empower the LGBTQ+ community to discover, embrace, and leverage their innate talents and Clifton Strengths, fostering self-empowerment and resilience. Through tailored support and inclusive guidance, my goal is to facilitate a journey of reclaiming personal power, celebrating individuality, and fostering a culture of strength-based empowerment within our community, as well as, the communities of our allies and supporters.